Found a swap file by the name .swp
Found a swap file by the name .swp

 and you could spot it sitting in the same directory were you to look for it from another window or login session. If the file being edited were called, for example, the swap file set up when you begin your edit would be called. If you were sitting in a directory containing a file that is currently being edited with vim, you might see the type of file that I'm referring to. In that case, vim will offer you a chance to recover your work where you left off. They are set up when you start an edit session and then automatically removed when you're done unless some problem occurs and your editing session doesn't complete properly. These swap files store content for the specific file - for example, while you're editing a file with vim. And it generally sits in the same directory as the original file and has. That type of swap file is created by your system to help ensure that you don't lose important file content when something goes wrong. But there's another kind of swap file that comes into play, generally when you're trying to edit a file that might have encountered some difficulties during a prior edit. When someone mentions a "swap file", the first thing that comes into your mind might be the kind of file that you would create to increase the swap space on a Unix system.

Found a swap file by the name .swp